
PLColors is an UIColor and NSColor category that provides methods that allows you to create UIColor or NSColor objects based on the hexadecimal representation of the colors, similar to that used in HTML or CSS language.
License: MIT
Small tool for fast implementation of multi-observer pattern in Objective-C
License: MIT
PLXCoreBluetooth is a thin abstraction layer over CBCentralManager and CBPeripheral that enables programming using Reactive Cocoa.
License: MIT
FrameLayout is a tool for positioning, sizing and arranging views without using CGRects.
License: MIT
Small tool for fast implementation of multi-observer pattern in Objective-C
License: MIT
Offers more readable and concise replacement for constraintWithItem:attribute:relatedBy:toItem:attribute:multiplier:constant: (NSLayoutConstraint, AutoLayout mechanism).
License: BSD
RxBluetoothKit is lightweight and easy to use Rx support for CoreBluetooth.
License: Apache-2.0