FileKitSimple and expressive file management in Swift.License: UnknownSwiftLazySave the hard work for later.License: MITSwiftOneOrMoreA Swift collection of one or more elements.License: MITSwiftRandomKitRandom data generation in Swift.License: MITSwiftRandomKitBigIntRandom generation of arbitrary-precision integers in Swift.License: MITSwiftRomanSeamless Roman numeral conversion in Swift.License: MITSwiftSageA cross-platform chess library for Swift.License: Apache 2SwiftShiftOperationsA µframework for a ShiftOperations protocol that doesn't appear in the Swift standard library.License: MITSwiftThreadlyType-safe thread-local storage in Swift.License: MITSwiftUnreachableUnreachable code path hint for Swift.License: MITSwift