Antoine v.d. Lee

A view representation for data requests. Support for ReactiveCocoa and RXSwift by attached it to signalproducers and observables.
License: MIT
Localize UILabels, UIButtons and more directly through the Interface Builder using a new available property 'Localize string'.
License: MIT
Contains replacements for the RAC and RACObserve macros in Swift and adds multiple cast methods which you can use to improve your ReactiveCocoa usage. It also adds wrappers around the new SignalProducer.
License: MIT
Moya abstracts network commands using Swift Generics to provide developers with more compile-time confidence.
ReactiveSwift and RxSwift extensions exist as well. Instructions for installation are in the README.
License: MIT
JASON bindings for Moya for easier JSON serialization. Includes RxSwift bindings as well. Instructions on how to use it are in the README.
License: MIT
SwiftyJSON bindings for Moya for easier JSON serialization. Includes RxSwift bindings as well. Instructions on how to use it are in the README.
License: MIT