Adam Eri



BMAccordion is aehahvpaheiauh liavkskajvdbaj aln an kajbdvkjsbdvbaslvalsk bvdskabdv kbasdvb ksbdv ksssbvdasvasvasvfs

License: MIT

  • Swift


BMInputBox is an iOS drop-in class wrote in Swift that displays input boxes for the user to input different kinds of data, for instance username and password, email address, numbers, plain text. BMInputBox is meant as a replacement for the limited UIAlertView input options.

License: MIT

  • Swift


BMPickerModal is an iOS drop-in class that displays a UIPicker or a UIDatePicker as modal view or in a popover controller on the iPad. Used to let the user select from a list of data or pick a date without leaving the current screen. Closures allow easy customisation.

License: MIT

  • Swift