Dan Thorpe

Money is a Swift cross platform framework for iOS, watchOS, tvOS and OS X.
It provides types and functionality to help represent and manipulate money and currency related information.
License: MIT
FX is a Swift cross platform framework for iOS, watchOS, tvOS and OS X.
It provides functionality to represent foreign exchange transactions.
License: MIT
A Swift framework inspired by Apple's WWDC 2015 session Advanced NSOperations: https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=226
License: MIT
Defines |> pipe operator as seen in Elixir and F#. Includes curried versions of map, filter and reduce.
License: MIT
A Swift framework inspired by Apple's WWDC 2015 session Advanced NSOperations: https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=226.
License: MIT
Provides static datasource and view factory for simple table views and collection views. However, real power comes from using YapDatabase & YapDatabaseExtensions, to get database driven, auto-updating table and collection view data sources.
License: MIT
ValueCoding is a simple pair of protocols to support the archiving and unarchiving of Swift value types.
It works by allowing a value type, which must conform to ValueCoding to define via a typealias its archiver. The archiver is another type which implements the ArchiverType protocol. This type will typically be an NSObject which implements NSCoding and is an adaptor which is responsible for encoding and decoding the properties of the value.
License: MIT
Defines APIs to conveniently read, write and remove objects and values to or from YapDatabse. See ValueCoding for value type support.
License: MIT