Yoichi Tagaya

EECircularMusicPlayerControl is a UI control to play a music and to indicate its progress. It's easy to use in your project, and supports customization of the colors applied to the component parts.
License: MIT
EEToolbarCenterButton is a component to add a featured button to the center of UIToolbar. It handles button alignment, and helps you use button images whose height is larger than UIToolbar height.
License: MIT
Swinject is a dependency injection framework for Swift, to manage the dependencies of types in your system.
License: MIT
SwinjectAutoregistration is an extension of Swinject that allows to automatically inject dependencies into registered services.
License: MIT
SwinjectPropertyLoader is an extension of Swinject to load property values from resources that are bundled with your application/framework.
License: MIT
SwinjectStoryboard is an extension of Swinject to automatically inject dependency to view controllers instantiated by a storyboard.
License: MIT