Kevin Sylvestre



  • Queue up callbacks using queue:block:
  • Flush callbacks using flush:

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Adds in some helper classes for dealing with countries and regions.

  • Supports both Canada and the US by default.
  • Can be easily extended with larger lists.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


  • KSParser provides parsing for a number of classes such as NSNumber, NSString and NSDate to help with parsing APIs.
  • KSEnumerable implements many enumeration methods such as each, map, reduce, filter, and find using a block syntax.
  • KSInflection implements pluralization and singularization helpers for strings and allows custom rules to be defined.
  • KSBackbone provides some basic helpers for using models and collections including parsing, archiving, attributes, associations, and identity.

License: MIT

  • Objective C