Scan iBeacon accessories and visualize in a view with UIKit dynamics animation.
License: MIT
brings forced future block to safely forced()
just on the main thread.
its usecase is mainly for command-line and testcases
License: MIT
fast path to autolayout using the Visual Format like autolayout("H:|-[label]-|")
License: MIT
SwiftBeaker is a Swift client generator for API Blueprint. the pod depends on runtime dependencies that generated client depends on.
License: MIT
Toki enables to test using stubbed SOAP responses for APIs generated by WSDL2Swift.
License: MIT
Swift alternative to WSDL2ObjC making a SOAP request & parsing its response as defined in WSDL. generate WSDL+(ServiceName).swift SOAP client by executing WSDL2Swift with WSDL and XSD xml files.
License: MIT