GreatCircleiOS framework that provides a set of Geodesy extensions to the CLLocation class.License: MITObjective CGuideDogsRemoteButtonDescriptorShared data contract for the Guide Dogs remote for iOS.License: MITSwiftTSNAtomicFlagAtomic flag for Mac and iOS.License: MITObjective CTSNExtensionsUseful extensions for iOS.License: MITObjective CTSNLoggeriOS logging utility.License: MITObjective CTSNPeerBluetoothBluetooth LE peer-to-peer library for iOSLicense: MITObjective CTSNPeerNetworkingPeer networking for iOS.License: MITSwiftTSNPerfHigh-resolution performance measurement for OS X and iOS programs.License: MITObjective C