Mat Trudel

A set of handy add-ons to Cocoa's basic collection classes. Supports NSSet and NSArray, as well as their mutable subclasses. Provides map, intersect and subtract operations.
License: MIT
A basic framework on which to build block-driven semimodal segues that play well with view controller containment
License: MIT
A container view controller that allows the selection of child views based on a UISegmentedControl in the navigation bar. The navigation bar inherits left,right and back button items from the currently selected child UIViewController, and titles for the segmented control are taken from the child view controllers' UINavigationItem title properties. The upshot of all of this is that your child view controllers don't require any modification to be used with this container.
License: MIT
MTStackableNavigationController aims to be an API-compatible replacement for UINavigationController, with special sauce for Facebook / Path style stacked navigation. In contrast to most of the other view controller projects based on this paradigm, MTStackableNavigationController is targeted exclusively for use as a direct replacement for UINavigationController; layered navigation and deck style interaction are already done well by other controllers.
License: MIT
provides a super quick way to visualize and navigate your Core Data objects.
It is designed to be used within a debug / developer menu in an application and to be trivially
easy to integrate. Simply hand it a MOC, put it onscreen, and you're ready to go.
License: MIT
MZFastSortIndex provides performant and powerful sort index building for Cocoa collections.
License: MIT
MZObjectController manages KVO on a content object, providing delegate notification on various changes to the attributes of the content object. Very loosely inspired by NSObjectController and NSFetchedResultsController
License: MIT
MZRelationalCollectionController manages KVO on a named relation of an object, providing delegate notification on various changes to the content of the relation, as well as on changes to specified attributes of the objects in the relation collection. Very loosely inspired by NSArrayController and NSFetchedResultsController
License: MIT
A set of categories to allow native Interface Builder manipulation of various UIView properties. Support for border size, border colour, and corner rounding is provided
License: MIT