Maxime Epain

ClusterKit is an efficient clustering framework with the following features: - Native supports of MapKit, GoogleMaps and Mapbox. - Comes with 2 clustering algorithms, a Grid Based Algorithm and a Non Hierarchical Distance Based Algorithm. Other algorithms can easily be integrated. - Annotations are stored in a QuadTree for efficient region queries. - Cluster center can be switched to Centroid, Nearest Centroid, Bottom. - Handles pin selection as well as drag and dropping. - Written in Objective-C with full Swift interop support.
License: MIT
Features: - Supports OAuth process and store the token in keychain. - Supports Discogs Auth. - Database support: Release, Master Release, Master Release Versions, Artist, Artist Releases, Label, All Label Releases, Search. - User support: Identify, Profile, Collection, Wantlist. - Marketplace support: Price suggestions, Listings, Orders. - Image support.
License: MIT
MXPagerView is a pager view with the ability to reuse pages like you would do with a table view and cells. The MXPagerView also loads pages lazily, depending on the transition style, it will load the current page and neighbors and unload others pages.
MXPagerViewController allows you to load pages from storyboard using the MXPageSegue.
License: MIT
MXParallaxBackground is a simple background class for UIScrolView. You can add as many backgrounds as you want with different intensity and direction.
License: MIT
MXParallaxHeader is a simple header class for UIScrolView.
In addition, MXScrollView is a UIScrollView subclass with the ability to hook the vertical scroll from its subviews, this can be used to add a parallax header to complex view hierachy. Moreover, MXScrollViewController allows you to add a MXParallaxHeader to any kind of UIViewController.
License: MIT
MXSegmentedPager combines MXPagerView with HMSegmentedControl to control the page selection. The integration of MXParallaxHeader allows you to add an parallax header on top while keeping a reliable scrolling effect.
License: MIT