Aurelius Prochazka



Open-source audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform.

License: MIT

  • Objective C



MIDI Sequencer that sends MIDI events to other apps. Built top on AKSequencer of AudioKit for iOS and macOS. Create smart MIDI sequencer instruments with just focus on notes.


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 9.0+
  • macOS 10.11+


ruby pod 'MIDISequencer'


MIDISequencer built top on AudioKit's AKSequencer with MusicTheory library to create sequences just focusing on notes with multiple track support.

  • Create a MIDISequencer instance.

swift let sequencer = MIDISequencer(name: "Awesome Sequencer")

  • Create a MIDISequencerTrack and add it to sequencer's tracks.

swift let track = MIDISequencerTrack( name: "Track 1", midiChannel: 1)

  • Add some MIDISequencerSteps to track's steps

swift track.steps = [ MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .c, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .d, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .e, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .f, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), ]

  • You can even add chords or multiple notes or even both to any step.

``` MIDISequencerStep( chord: Chord(type: .maj, key: .c), octave: 4, noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(60))

MIDISequencerStep( notes: [Note(type: .c, octave: 4), Note(type: .d, octave: 4)], octave: 4, noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(60))

MIDISequencerStep( notes: Chord(type: .maj, key: .c).notes(octave: 4) + [Note(type: .c, octave: 4), Note(type: .d, octave: 4)], noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(60)) ```

  • Set isMuted property to true to mute any MIDISequencerStep.

License: MIT

  • Swift