Lightweight Objective-C library to transform a pair of collections into sets of changes, primarily for use in dynamically-updated table and collection views
License: MIT
This is mostly useful for UIButtons for which a specific size/positioning is desired, but which should also be responsive to touches outside of its drawn area.
License: MIT
UIPageViewController seems somewhat rigidly designed for paginated content, and is very efficient at lazily instantiating many view controllers with a particular pattern (before/after) and specific spatial metaphors. While it can do many things well, customization is ultimately limited by permissible alterations of the UIPageViewController class.
BKSlidingViewController is an open-source substitute for applications desiring view controllers laid out horizontally, presented with a UITabBarController-like API.
License: MIT
libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. This release tracks the upstream project at https://github.com/libuv/libuv.
License: Custom
React Native apps are built using the React JS framework, and render directly to native UIKit elements using a fully asynchronous architecture. There is no browser and no HTML. We have picked what we think is the best set of features from these and other technologies to build what we hope to become the best product development framework available, with an emphasis on iteration speed, developer delight, continuity of technology, and absolutely beautiful and fast products with no compromises in quality or capability.
License: BSD
A simple way to use Objective-C's @synchronized
directive from Swift.
As with @synchronized
, Synchronized releases locks when
Objective-C exceptions are thrown.
License: MIT
An image downloader and cache for AsyncDisplayKit that uses SDWebImage. The image manager conforms to ASImageDownloaderProtocol and ASImageCacheProtocol.
License: MIT