Christian R. Gossain

Modern iOS applications typically have the ability to login. Many apps implement this lazily by presenting a login view controller above the main app interface. This project offers a cleaner alternative with a controller that can manage transitioning to/from the required interface. This approach means that the interface that is no longer being used can be completely deallocated from memory.
License: MIT
An Objective-C epub extracting and parsing framework for OSX and iOS.
License: MIT
GSSplitViewController is for the most part a drop in replacement of UISplitViewController with extra features such as the ability to set the width of the master pane (i.e. the left pane), the ability to show/hide the master pane programatically, and a few other goodies. The API attempts to mimic that of the UISplitViewController, but there are some differences. There are slight differences in the GSSplitViewControllerDelegate compared to the UISplitViewControllerDelegate. There are also additional properties and methods in GSSplitViewController compared to UISplitViewController.
License: MIT