Matthew Wyskiel



A lot of us probably use at least one of Google's public data APIs, and those of us using Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are directed to the open-source Google APIs Objective-C Client for implementation help. It was good for what it was in 2011, but that was before Swift, modern Objective-C, CocoaPods, and even Automatic Reference Counting! Some things in life age well; that library is not one of them. And Google hasn't helped by basically ignoring their client library in these ways. That's why I decided I would try something new. Something that would actually utilize current technologies. Something that would be actually nice for developers to use. I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I decided to build it myself. This library is still in its early stages, but I'm excited for what this library could become!

License: Apache 2

  • Swift


Welcome to the Guitarparty iOS and OS X Client Library. This library enables developers to access the plethora of chords and tabs in the database.

I wrote this library in the midst of my exploration of the new Swift language developed by Apple. So enjoy, catch bugs, submit pull requests, and make use of this library as much as you need.

License: Apache 2

  • Swift


A simple way to list third-party licenses in your iOS apps

License: Apache 2

  • Swift


A simple, bare-bones reimagining of Java's StringBuilder class for Swift. This was written in conjunction with LicensesKit

License: Apache 2

  • Swift