Alexander Widerberg



An Objective-C implementation of the MD5, SHA1, SHA512 hash algorithms and CRC32b checksum. Performs it chunked and consumes almost no memory while running, making it suitable to both OSX and iOS.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


AWKit is a Objective-C kit that contains categories for NSString, NSObject, NSBundle, UIAlertView, UIActionSheet, UIDevice, UIImage, UIScreen (as of now) which all contain methods you otherwise do manually anyways. Also, some of the categories add threading capabilities with completion block support and so forth. All for your convenience.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Simple to use iOS 7/8 style Passcode with theming support and auto-layout. Compatible from iOS 6 and onwards.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS

License: MIT

  • Swift