Lily Ballard



PMHTTP is an HTTP framework built around NSURLSession and designed for Swift while retaining Obj-C compatibility.


  • Swift


PMJSON provides a pure-Swift strongly-typed JSON encoder/decoder as well as a set of convenience methods for converting to/from Foundation objects and for decoding JSON structures.


  • Swift


PMKVObserver provides a safe block-based wrapper around Key-Value Observing, with APIs for both Obj-C and Swift. Features include:

  • Thread-safety. Observers can be registered on a different thread than KVO notifications are sent on, and can be cancelled on yet another thread. An observer can even be cancelled from two thread simultaneously.
  • Automatic unregistering when the observed object deallocates.
  • Support for providing an observing object that is given to the block, and automatic unregistering when this observing object deallocates. This lets you call methods on self without retaining it or dealing with a weak reference.
  • Thread-safety for the automatic deallocation. This protects against receiving messages on another thread while the object is deallocating.
  • First-class support for both Obj-C and Swift, including strong typing in the Swift API.


  • Objective C


TSAO is an implementation of type-safe associated objects in Swift. Objective-C associated objects are useful, but they are also untyped; every associated object is only known to be id at compile-time and clients must either test the class at runtime or rely on it being the expected type.

License: MIT

  • Swift