Brian Croom

Have you ever placed a label in your view controller, gave it some nice copy to display, ran your app and then cringed because everything fit on one line except for one or two lone words? BCBalancedMultilineLabel will take care of adjusting the line breaks such that each line is as close to the same length as possible, making your text look beautiful.
License: MIT
Storyboards make dependency injection of view controllers challenging, because they insist on instantiating the view controllers internally. This restriction can be worked around by subclassing UIStoryboard and overriding the -instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: method to perform configuration work immediately following the instantiation. The same storyboard instance that is used to create the initial view controller will be used to instantiate further view controllers accessed via segues.
This pod provides a BlindsidedStoryboard subclass of UIStoryboard which exemplifies this technique, integrating with the Blindside DI framework. It also contains a small sample app demonstrating how this could be used.
License: MIT
Use Nimble to express the expected outcomes of Swift or Objective-C expressions. Inspired by Cedar.
License: Apache-2.0
Nimble matchers for Promissum promises. These allow you to easily write expressive tests that produce useful failure messages when working with promises.
License: MIT
Quick is a behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C. Inspired by RSpec, Specta, and Ginkgo.
License: Apache-2.0