Eric Horacek

UICollectionViewLayout for displaying cells chronologically. Similar to the iOS Calendar app.
License: MIT
Container view controller that leverages UIKit Dynamics to provide a realistic drawer navigation paradigm.
License: MIT
NSDateComponents category for getting and setting date components via NSCalendarUnit values
License: MIT
ReactiveObjC (formally ReactiveCocoa or RAC) is an Objective-C framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values.
A tool that brings meta-programming to Swift, allowing you to code generate Swift code. * Featuring daemon mode that allows you to write templates side-by-side with generated code. * Using SourceKit so you can scan your regular code.
License: MIT
Category on UIDevice to distinguish between platforms and provide human-readable device names e.g. "iPad Mini 2G (Cellular)".
License: BSD