Right now, we just have a rx_reusableDisposeBag
property, but we're open to PRs!
License: MIT
DeltaCalculator is a Swift Library focused on replacing reloadData() calls with animated insert, delete and move operations. DeltaCalculator tries to optimize the number of iterations to calculate all the changes, making sure the UI thread doesn't block. This framework is based on BKDeltaCalculator Objective-C library.
License: MIT
ForceTouchActionSheet is a UI component to replicate iOS's Springboard force touch on icons for shortcuts. It blurs the background gradually while force touching an item and shows the popup when force reaches the maximum.
License: MIT
Connect all your platforms with a single link with HOKO deep linking technology
License: Custom
IBHeatMap is a simple to use (although a bit slow) HeatMap generator for iOS. All it is required are points, radius and colors and it will generate a HeatMap on top of your desired content.
License: MIT
MarkdownKit is a customizable and extensible Markdown parser for iOS. It supports many of the standard Markdown elements through the use of Regular Expressions. It also allows customization of font and color attributes for all the Markdown elements.
License: MIT
Maya is a customizable calendar library with an out of the box MayaCalendarView. Maya also includes a few helper classes to make managing dates a little bit easier (MayaDate, MayaWeekday and MayaMonth)
License: MIT
ObjectMapper bindings for Moya for easier JSON serialization. Includes RxSwift bindings as well. Instructions on how to use it are in the README.
License: MIT
RxSwift bindings for common UIColor setters. UIView (backgroundColor, tintColor), UILabel (textColor) and UIButton (titleColor)
License: MIT
A bunch of legacy functions from RxSwift for easier block completion. Includes doOnNext, doOnCompleted, doOnSubscribe, doOnError, doOnDispose, subscribeNext, subscribeError, subscribeCompleted, subscribeDispose and mapVoid. Also include a sub-dependency for Result related calls such as, subscribeSucccess, subscribeFailure, doOnFailure and doOnSucccess.
License: MIT
Result bindings for RxSwift. Adds doOnSuccess, doOnFailure, subscribeSuccess and subscribeFailure methods.
License: MIT
RxTimer adds RxSwift NSTimer bindings. This allows you to trigger events reactively with a timer.
License: MIT
A UICollectionViewFlowLayout implementation to allow separators between cells with a custom separator color and width. Instructions on how to use it are in the README.
License: MIT