Felix Lamouroux



A floating UIToolBar replacement supporting vertical and horizontal orientation. It is designed to hover over your content and plays nicely with auto layout.

The content of the bar is set using UIBarButtonItems just as you would configure a UIToolBar. The bar is backed by a UIVisualEffectsView allowing you to select from several styles. You can customize most aspects of the view via Interface Builder.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This framework provides a unified way of asking for user permissions on iOS. It also provides UI to explain the permission requirements before presenting the system permission dialog to the user. This allows the developer to postpone the system dialog. The framework provides no actual chrome, leaving the developer and designer in charge of creating the views.


  • Objective C


ISHPullUp provides a simple UIViewControlller subclass with two child controllers. The layout can be managed entirely via delegation and is easy to use with autolayout. A pan gesture allows the user to drag the bottom view controller up or down.

View subclasses are provided to make beautiful iOS 10 style designs easier. ISHPullUpHandleView provides a drag handle as seen in the notification center or Maps app with three states: up, neutral, down. ISHPullUpRoundedView (and ISHPullUpRoundedVisualEffectView) provides the perfect backing view for your bottom view controller with a hairline border, rounded top corners, and a shadow.

License: MIT

  • Objective C