


Appz makes it easy to open external applications with web fallback support, including deeplinking. Get started with the docs or associated playgrounds to quickly make the most out of this library.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A swift datez library that focuses on readability, compactness, and maintainability. Get started with the docs or associated playgrounds to quickly make the most out of this library.

License: MIT

  • Swift


The idea behind this component is to manage the relationship between the controller (with the model) and the auto complete view.

  • Triggers: which are simple invocations that happen when a delimiter is entered by the user. The trigger can either contain the data beforehand, and will do everything for you, or you can provide the data dynamically using the data source.

  • Custom Cells: You can easily assign custom cells for the component, and use a "user info" dictionary that will be passed to your cell to initialize it.

  • Centralized: You can easily centralize the manager and the data source, so you can simply instantiate the MJAutoCompleteManager anywhere to present the view, but then use that centralized data source to feed in the data.

... And much, much more, so please check out the fully documented github demo to learn more.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Provides a customizable wrapper around NSNotificationCenter with Swifter APIs.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Provides an extremely flexible way to implement a statically typed key-value store, backed by the persistence store of your choice.

License: MIT

  • Swift



The purpose of writing this was to provide a super simple way to add the expansion/contraction UINavigationBar functionality, like the one found in facebook and instagram.

It literally takes a single liner to get started and have your navigation bar expand/shrink based on the UIScrollView subclass that you attach to the designated object.

In addition to the support for UINavigationBar, it also allows you to assign an extension view that will be managed for you, and that extension view is shown right below the navigation bar, and will expand/contract as well!

The component has been carefully written, battle tested, and has more fine grain customization, like the tolerance range you want to hold off the expansion/contraction before applying the effect.

Please read all about this component in the github repo readme file.

License: MIT

  • Objective C