CRChecker is a debug tool, helps you find out circular reference problem. Be Careful:Don't use this library under production environment.
License: MIT
LEGO-SDK is bridge via WebView and Native. SDK Provides lots of APIs.
/etc/hosts with NSURLRequest All networking library are compatible. 应用内实现域名Host绑定,开发利器。
License: MIT
OCDebugger is an easy to use debugging toolset. You use OCDebugger debug your application on Web or iPhone. It's a client library and we provide an web application (OCDServer) holding all connection from iOS. Also, we provide a public web application here Open link, please feel free to use it, it's really stable.
License: MIT
PDMDarkMode lets you change your application user interface easier. You use PDMDarkMode control every User Interface Color & Bundle Image changes by Plist File. We call PlistFile as StyleSheet File.
License: MIT
PPPatch is a light weight method swizzling library, provides above functions. 1.Invalid a class selector; 2.Show custom UIAlertView once or everytime when selector triggered; 3.Return custom value for specific selector; 4.Remove a view from superView; 5.Disabled a view (make userInteractionEnabled = NO); 6.Perform KVC to view.
License: MIT
SVGA 是一个私有的动画格式,由 YY UED 主导开发。 SVGA 由 SVG 演进而成,与 SVG 不兼容。 SVGA 可以在 iOS / Android / Web(PC/移动端) 实现高性能的动画播放。
License: Apache-2.0
TeemoV2 - The iOS framework that grows your app fast (此开发框架由多玩游戏负责维护,提供邮件级技术支持) Teemo:Teemo, a short-legged animals, escape fast, favorite mushroom, well known as "Group fights can lose, Teemo must die!". Teemo:提莫,一种短腿动物,逃跑超快,最爱蘑菇,素有“团战可以输,提莫必须死!”的美称
License: MIT
Smarty is a PHP template engine. TMOSmarty all thoughts are inherited from the Smarty, we migrate Smarty to Objective-C, so there TMOSmarty.
License: MIT
TMOTableView includes RefreshControl LoadMoreControl FirstLoadControl, and you can customize it. It support iOS5+, support UIViewController & UITableViewController. TMOTableView是一个包含下拉刷新、上拉加载、首次加载三个常用功能的UITableView子类,支持iOS5+
License: MIT
TMOWebView is a replacement of WebViewJavascriptBridge, provide javascript extension, callback.
License: MIT