SMCalloutView aims to be an exact replica of the private UICalloutView system control.
We all love those "bubbles" you get when clicking pins in MKMapView. But sadly, it's impossible to present this bubble-style "Callout" UI anywhere outside MKMapView. Phooey! So this class painstakingly recreates this handy control for your pleasure.
License: Apache 2
SMWebRequest is a very handy lightweight HTTP request class for iOS.
It encapsulates a single HTTP request and response, and is designed to be less verbose and simpler to use than NSURLConnection. The server response is buffered completely into memory then passed back to event listeners as NSData. Optionally, you can specify a delegate which can process the NSData in some way on a background thread then return something else.
More info in the blog post: http://nfarina.com/post/3776625971/webrequest
License: MIT
SMXMLDocument is a very handy lightweight XML parser for iOS.
More info in the blog post: http://nfarina.com/post/2843708636/a-lightweight-xml-parser-for-ios
License: MIT