Daniel Tomlinson



Easily log NSURLRequest's as curl commands

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A simple library for forward geocoding.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A quick wrapper around Google's web authentication for mobile devices.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


     DANPromise is a lightweight implementation of Promises in Objective-C to make it

easy to cleanup asyncronous code.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A ReactiveCocoa Wrapper to get and monitor a users location.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A simple Swift Keychain Wrapper for iOS

License: MIT

  • Swift


Persist is a simple, reusable Core Data stack written in Swift. It also provides some lightweight helpers for common actions such as creating entities, and querying. It supports iOS 8+, watchOS 2.0, and Mac OS 10.9+.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Stash is a key/value store for temporarily persisting objects, such as network responses (images etc), or expensive to reproduce values. Stash is a simple object that wraps Memory (a fast in memory store) and Disk (a slower, file system backed store). Memory will automatically clear itself when your app receives a memory warning. Disk will persist items until you manually remove items, or automatically using limits. The caches will accept any object that conforms to NSCoding, although I'm open to considering a different encoding. The caches primary API's are synchronous, although there are asynchronous wrappers around most of them.

License: MIT

  • Swift