Botond Kis



A3GridTableView is a UIScrollView subclass with a high performance GridView style layouting. It has similar delegate methods to a UITableView and can be even used like one. The difference is that the A3GridTableView aligns his section in collumns and not in one flow.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


A3ParallaxScrollView is a UIScrollView subclass with a parallax scrolling effect on iPhone and iPad.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


OpenClusterMapView is a simple and easy to use drop-in replacement for MKMapView on iOS. If you are displaying a lot of annotations on the map, this class is made for you. OCMapView automatically creates clusters by combining annotations super fast. It works with any iOS application. You dont even need to change any code other than replacingthe MKMapView class.

License: Custom

  • Objective C