Jon Reid

MockUIAlertController lets you mock iOS alerts and action sheets for unit tests, based on the UIAlertController introduced for iOS 8.
No actual alerts are presented. This means:
MockUIAlertViewActionSheet lets you mock old-style iOS alerts and action sheets for unit tests, based on the UIAlertView and UIActionSheet.
No actual alerts are presented. This means:
License: MIT
OCHamcrest is:
Matchers are useful for a variety of purposes, such as UI validation. But they're most commonly used for writing unit tests that are expressive and flexible.
OCHamcrest is compatible with:
License: BSD-2-Clause
OCMockito is an Objective-C implementation of Mockito, supporting creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects.
Key differences from other mocking frameworks:
License: MIT
XcodeCoverage provides a simple way to generate reports of the code coverage of your Xcode project. Generated reports include HTML and Cobertura XML.
Coverage data excludes Apple's SDKs, and the exclusion rules can be customized.