Joshua Greene

AFNetworking+ImageActivityIndicator makes it easy to show an activity indicator while an image view's image is loading using AFNetworking.
License: MIT
Auto Layout (AL) Label fixes issues with adding a label to a UIScrollView. It's meant to be used as a component by other pods.
License: MIT
AOTestCase subclasses XCTestCase and adds asynchronous unit test support, method swizzling, and a category for associating objects.
License: MIT
AutoLayoutCells makes working with dynamic table view cells easy.
License: MIT
AutoLayoutTextViews subclasses UITextView and adds placeholder text, auto resizing, and keyboard avoiding functionality.
License: MIT
BestFitImageView automatically selects the best contentMode by comparing the image size to the frame size.
License: MIT
BetterBaseClasses are abstract, base classes meant to be subclassed. They make creating CocoaPods easier.
License: MIT
This library is deprecated. Use BetterBaseClasses instead.
License: MIT
ObservableType provides a wrapper to allow creating observable types.
License: MIT
OptionalEquatable makes optional conform to Equatable... Sorta. ;)
License: MIT
UIImageView+ALActivityIndicatorView adds convenience methods for showing an activity indicator on an image view.
License: MIT
UIView+AORefreshFont is a category on UIView that provides a convenience method for resetting the dynamic type font of a text-input view.
License: MIT