Daniel L. Alves



BlurImageProcessor offers a very easy and practical way to generate blurred images in real time.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A very fast, simple and lightweight HTTP connection for iOS that supports OAuth2

License: MIT

  • Objective C


The main features set of iOS Nitro lib

License: MIT

  • Objective C


NitroKeychain is a thin, yet powerful, abstraction layer on top of iOS keychain that provides commonly needed features.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


NitroMath is a set of mathematical utilities for C, C++, ObjC and Swift which aims to boost coding performance.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A lot of helpful code missing in iOS foundation and uikit classes + utility macros.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


NSArray missing features and utilities

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Parsing and utility categories for iOS NSDictionary.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Initialization, conversion, comparison, RGBA components and luminance getters for iOS UIColor type.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Redefine makes easier to achieve method swizzling - that is, to overwrite methods implementations during runtime using the objc runtime. It also makes possible to switch back and forth through implementations, the original and the new one. The obvious use for it is unit tests. You don't have to prepare your code specifically for tests using factories, interfaces and etc, since it's possible to redefine any class or instance method. But, of course, you can do a lot of other crazy stuffs if you want to.

License: MIT

  • Objective C