Dream Engine



DECategories is a collection of Foundation and UIKit categories that simplify some of the monotonous code patterns in iOS development. It also provides various bells and whistles to streamline small tasks.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DEInfiniteTileMarqueeView is a self-contained widget that takes an image, tiles it horizontally or vertically, and makes the tiles scroll forever. Great for futuristic UI effects (or a marquee screensaver). Both IB and programmatic friendly.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DESlideToConfirmView is a widget that allows the user to slide to confirm. Perfect for situations where you really want to make sure the user knows what they're getting into, e.g. permanently deleting data.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


iOS StoreKit Convenience Manager

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DETAAEFilters simplifies getting basic audio filters up and running when using The Amazing Audio Engine. Instead of always using raw C and Core Audio patterns, DETAAEFilters provides object wrappers for each of the audio filters provided by Apple. E.g. to apply a low-pass filter to a signal, you can simply instantiate DELowPassFilter and set its frequency and resonance values using properties.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DETableViewCell is a cache system for UITableViewCell's UINibs. Instead of manually creating and managing UINibs when using UITableView's -registerNib:forCellReuseIdentifier:, DETableViewCell automatically lazy loads and caches cells' UINibs to be used across multiple controllers. DETableViewCell uses NSCache, so the cache will purge objects according to NSCache memory considerations (including memory warnings). Also included is a class name-based -reuseIdentifier and +reuseIdentifier as well as a UITableView category method -registerDEClass: to simplify dequeuing cells from and registering nibs into a table view.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DEUserDefaults takes the hassle out of dealing with NSUserDefaults. Just use brackets/subscripting and forget about -standardUserDefaults or -objectForKey:/-setObject:forKey:. For example, DEUserDefaults[@"key"] = @"value".

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DEViewControllerCache is a cache system for iOS UIViewControllers. It automatically holds onto discarded UIViewController objects for later reuse and will purge unused controller objects according to NSCache memory considerations (including memory warnings). If a cached UIViewController instance is unavailable, it will automatically instantiate a new object and prepare it for caching.

License: MIT

  • Objective C