Matej Balantič



An auto-layout based light-weight UITextView subclass which automatically grows and shrinks based on the size of user input and can be constrained by maximal and minimal height - all without a single line of code.

Made primarely for use in Interface builder and only works with Auto layout.

Main features: * Made for iOS 7, fully leveraging Interface builder and Auto layout. * UITextView's height will automatically grow or shrink based on amount of text entered by user * Maximal and minimal height of the UITextView can be definde from the interface builder * When maximal height is reached, UITextView content becomes scrollable * Not a single line of code required for complete functionality

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Location manager provides convenient and easy-to-use access to latest iOS device location. It wraps CoreLocation with convenient singelon class, releaving you of keeping reference to location manager object.

Main features: * subscribe to location updates with 3 lines of code * two modes of operation: GPS (accurate with low battery performance) and cell towers (inaccurate with better battery performance) * use CoreLocation's distance filters and accuracy modes * easy pause and resume on app going to background or foreground * instantiate location manager once, use it wherever you need by subscribing to notification

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Trait collections are new as of iOS 8 and even if they compile with the latest SDK even for deployment targets older than 8.0, their use will cause crash in iOS 7 application. This renders them unusefull until application deployment target is restricted to 8.0.

           To solve that problem, I've created a category on UIViewController which exposes a new property mbTraitCollection. When accessing this property a backwards-compatible MBTraitCollection class will be lazy-loaded for you. Class is basically a wrapper around UITraitCollection and will use native behavior when possible (i.e. in iOS >= 8). On older iOS version, this class will use other available techniques to determine device characteristics for you, thus allowing you to use trait collection even on iOS 7.

License: MIT

  • Objective C