Fraser Scott-Morrison



AsyncImageView includes both a simple category on UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously on iOS so that they do not lock up the UI, and a UIImageView subclass for more advanced features. AsyncImageView works with URLs so it can be used with either local or remote files.

Loaded/downloaded images are cached in memory and are automatically cleaned up in the event of a memory warning. The AsyncImageView operates independently of the UIImage cache, but by default any images located in the root of the application bundle will be stored in the UIImage cache instead, avoiding any duplication of cached images.

The library can also be used to load and cache images independently of a UIImageView as it provides direct access to the underlying loading and caching classes.

License: zlib

  • Objective C


DoImagePickerController is an image picker controller with single selection and multiple selection. Support to select lots photos with panning gesture

License: MIT

  • Objective C


DesignableButton allows you to declare reusable button style definitions. In Interface Builder you can easily choose these style for your DesignableButtons and Interface Builder will render these styles immediately.

Common button styles, such as corner radius, are also made available in Interface Builder

License: MIT

  • Swift


IHKeyboardAvoiding will translate any UIView up when the keyboard is being shown, then return it when the keyboard is hidden.

Two views are registered with IHKeyboardAvoiding, the avoidingView which is moved, and one or more targetViews which will trigger the avoiding. If a targetViews frame will be intersected by the keyboard, then the avoidingView will move up just above the keyboard.

What sets IHKeyboardAvoiding apart from other keyboard avoiding solutions is that it doesn’t require placing your content in a UIScrollView. No scroll view is used. And it isn’t restricted to keeping UITextFields visible, instead any UIView can be a target which will be kept visible

If Autolayout is used then the constraints are animated, otherwise a CGAffine translation is done

License: MIT

  • Swift


                   IHKeyboardDismissing is a custom view that, when tapped, will dismiss the keyboard

Simply change the class of you background view to IHKeyboardDismissing in you xib file then, when user taps the background, the keyboard will be dismissed

Do away with those ugly keyboard accessory views

License: MIT

  • Objective C


                   IHParallaxNavigationController is a drop in solution to give you a cool parallax effect when pushing and popping view controllers. Its compatible with Storyboards and requires very little code.

In your storyboard, just change the UINavigationController class to IHParallaxNavigationController and your UIViewControllers to IHParallaxViewController, then in code set the parallax background image and you are done

All animations, transitions and gestures automatically performed by UINavigationControllers are supported by IHParallaxNavigationController as its a subclass

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A Status Bar Overlay which will automatically display a No Connection message and can display custom messages too, with interactive buttons

License: MIT

  • Swift


UINavigationBar-Transparent is a UINavigationBar category that can make the navigation bar transparent

Using this category, each view controller that is push onto the navigation stack can change the color of the nav bar

self.navigationController?.navigationBar.setBarColor(UIColor.clear) will set the nav bar transparent

self.navigationController?.navigationBar.setBarColor(myColor) will set the nav bar to any color you choose

self.navigationController?.navigationBar.setBarColor(nil) will set the nav bar back to the standard iOS color

License: MIT

  • Swift


                   UIViewController-TransparentNavBar is a UIViewController category that can make the navigation bar transparent

Using this category, each view controller that is push onto the navigation stack can change the color of the nav bar

[self setNavBarColor:[UIColor clearColor]] will set the nav bar transparent

[self setNavBarColor:nil] will set the nav bar to the standard iOS color

[self setNavBarColor:myUiColor] will set the nav bar to the color of myUiColor

License: MIT

  • Objective C