Jeff Menter



FlippableViewController is a UIViewController subclass that allows easy flipping between two child view controller that are passed in during the init phase.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This is a drop-in replacement for UISlider. It allows more accurate value selection when the user drags vertically. Visual feedback helps drive the accurate behavior home. Give it a try!

License: MIT

  • Objective C


JAMFlippableViewController is a UIViewController subclass that allows easy flipping between two child view controller that are passed in during the init phase.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


JAMSimplePageViewController is a subclass of UIPageViewController. You can feed it UIViewControllers and it automatically handles paging and displaying a UIPageControl.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


JAMSVGImage is used to parse and display SVG image graphics in iOS. SVG images are resolution independent so they look good at any size and don't require @2x or @3x versions. The JAMSVGImageView is IBDesignable and IBInspectable so you can see your SVGs right in Interface Builder.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


JAMValidatingTextField is a class that extends UITextField and adds validation facilities including validation types and visual feedback.

You can either set a type (email, URL, phone, zip, etc.) or set a property to validate via block, NSRegularExpression, or delegate.

The text field will provide visual feedback indicating wheter it's in a valid, invalid, or indeterminate state.

License: MIT

  • Objective C