Balazs Faludi



BFColorPickerPopover is a subclass of NSPopover that includes the standard OS X color picker user interface. This helps reducing the inspector window and panel clutter on the screen, as the popover sticks to the content it belongs to. However it's still possible to transform it into an inspector style floating panel by simple dragging it off from the color well.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


A UIGestureRecognizer subclass that can be used to drag views inside a scroll view with automatic scrolling at the edges of the scroll view.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


BFNavigationBarDrawer is a UIToolbar subclass that can easily be displayed below a UINavigationBar, similarly to the playlist view in the Music app. You can also assign a scroll view (or table view) to the drawer. The drawer will take care of moving the scroll view's content down and updating its contentInset property, when the drawer is displayed.

License: BSD

  • Objective C