Jett Farmer

A UIView
subclass that can be used as a border added to another view on one edge.
License: MIT
An NSLayoutConstraint
subclass that can be pinned to the bottom layout guide and will adjust to avoid the keyboard.
License: MIT
is a UIImageView
subclass that allows for different images to be set for portrait and landscape orientations and manages setting and updating its image
based on the device's orientation.
License: MIT
A UITextView
subclass that automatically resizes based on the size of its content text with a smooth animation. Written in Swift
License: MIT
helps make unit testing behaviors that are difficult to test, such as presenting view controllers, simple and easy through method swizzling.
License: MIT
A UITextField
extension written in Swift that makes it easy to use a UIPickerView
for selection.
License: MIT
A wrapper for the Crashlytics framework allowing it to be used as a transitive dependency via dependency injection.
License: MIT
Delivers an image from a local or remote source to a UIImageView
or closure, using AlamofireImage
for asynchronous requests.
License: MIT
Features [x] Single selection and multi-selection options. [x] Search Contacts [x] Configure the contact data to be shown. (Phone Number, Email, Birthday, or Organization) [x] Section indexes to easily navigate through the contacts. [x] Shows initials when image is not available. [x] Contact object to get the properties of the contacts
License: Unknown