Ajimi means tasting. In Japanese, 味見. Ajimi is the feedback tool, which anyone can easily feedback to project team any time.
License: MIT
Kazaguruma is a loading indicator View that can be multiple display on the screen.
License: MIT
NKJModalSelector is the alternative to the library of UIPickerView(drum roll). Is inspired to Etsy's view controller transition.
License: MIT
NKJMultiMovieCaptureView can store multiple videos while touching the screen
License: MIT
NKJNetworkIndicator. A network activity manager that show and hide network activity.
Manage with above keys. * name * identifier
License: MIT
NKJPagerViewController is like a PagerTabStrip, which is in Android. It contains an endlessly scrollable UIScrollView.
License: MIT
NKJPhotoSliderController can a simple photo slider and delete slider with swiping.
License: MIT
Regift helps you easily convert a video to a GIF on iOS. Create a gif from a given video URL, tweaking the frame count, delay time, and number of loops.
License: MIT