Garrit Schaap



GSTween is a tweening library for Objective-C (objc) and if you know some famous tweening libraries from ActionScript and Flash, you will feel like home.

  • You can tween any property that is not readonly of the following types: CGFloat, NSInteger, CGRect, CGSize, CGPoint
  • You can use a lot of different easings, like: Back, Bounce, Circular, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Linear, Quadratic, Quintic, Sine
  • There are some optional parameters like: YoYo-effect, repeat, delay, speed, ...
  • Take the control over your tween with blocks on start, complete and on update

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Lane Assist is not a DSL on top of AutoLayout that you have to learn, instead Lane Assist let you create NSLayoutConstraints with some easy function calls. Method chaining makes it even more comfortable to use. Try it and learn to love AutoLayout :).

License: MIT

  • Swift