Stephen Darlington



Store NSUserDefaults and iCloud key-value store data at the same time.

Only key-values that you specify are synced between the local NSUserDefaults store and iCloud making it nice and simple to use.

License: Custom

  • Objective C


Convert HTML Entities like › to their unicode equivalent.

This library uses Lex, which makes the code shorter and hopefully easier to understand and maintain than other implementations. The performance is consistent for most entities.

License: Custom

  • Objective C


The iOS documentation says that when an app goes into the background, certain things should happen to avoid confusion when it comes back into the foreground. One of those things is cancelling UIActionSheet's and UIAlertView's.

This project does exactly that automatically. As an added bonus, I also added some init methods with blocks rather than delegates.

License: Apache 2

  • Objective C