Laurent Shala



PinEntryView is a customizable view written in Swift that can be used to confirm alphanumeric pins. Use cases include typing ACCEPT after reviewing Terms of Service and setting or confirming a passcode.

Features: - Supports AutoLayout and has intrinsic size. Optionally set a height to make the boxes taller or a width to add more inner spacing between boxes. - Fully configurable in Interface Builder (supports @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable) and code. - Customizable for many different use cases. - Example app to demonstrate the various configurations.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Tally is used to check how many times the user has opened the application using a simple if statement. This adds a lot of flexability on when you want something to happen. Want to fire off an alert after the 15th opening? Easy.

License: MIT

  • Swift