John Wana



Asynchronous functions are defined by a set of blocks contained in an NSArray. When a block is finished, it calls success() or failure().

Functions include:

  • series: run a set of blocks in sequential order
  • parallel: run a set of blocks in parallel
  • eachSeries: runs a block in series with every item in an array
  • eachParallel: runs a block in parallel with every item in an array
  • mapParallel: runs a block in parallel with every item in an array, collecting all the return values
  • mapSeries: runs a block in series with every item in an array, collecting all the return values
  • repeatUntilSuccess: repeat a block until it succeeds or maxAttempts is reached
  • waterfall: run a set of blocks in series, passing the return value of a block to the next block

License: MIT

  • Objective C