Markus Emrich



A DroppableView represents a single draggable View. You may use it as a base class for any view, that you need to be draggable in your project. You can even use it to drag something out of a scrollview, as you can seen in the example project. You define other views as drop targets. You will be informed, if a dragged view hits those targets, leaves them again or is dropped over a drop target.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


The FlipNumberView is simulating an analog flip display (like those for the departure time on the airport). It's well abstracted and damn easy to use. It may be used for Countdowns, Timers, clocks or any other number display. Supports automatic animation in either direction. An example project is given. Supports ARC.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Show messages on top of the status bar. Customizable colors, font and animation. Supports progress display and can show an activity indicator. iOS 7/8 ready. iOS6 support.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This simplifies the usage for various UIKit classes. See the subpods description

License: MIT

  • Objective C