Dyanko Yovchev



This lib is used to bind proerties and observe/listen for changes in their value.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Manager that is able to show a set of highly customizable views on the screen with a queue managing the appearance of multiple alerts in the same time. This library allows you to show on-screen default/custom alert popup, in-app-notification style popup, toast-like popup and more, each having the ability to add custom action to be executed with corresponding mechanics for user interaction.

License: MIT

  • Swift


TODO: Use this to manage the paginations in your requests when implementing paging/infinite scroll.

License: MIT

  • Swift


TODO: UITextField, UITextView and UIView children which have the ability to be validated and also change appearance/behavior on validation fail or success. ValidatorManager class that manages the validations and Validatable protocol that can be extended in case you want your custom view to be validatable. Includes ValidatableUISettings class to set global properties.

License: MIT

  • Swift