AsyncTimer is a pod that adds precision asynchronous timer to your app * Working with user events (like: scrolling, tapping, ...). * Functionality (start, pause, resume, stop, restart) * Support for clousure (never more selectors) * Can work as a countdown timer * Can work in background.
License: MIT
L10n-swift is a pod that adds easier localization support for your app
* Change the language of your apps "on the fly".
* IBInspectable for Xcode Interface Builder.
* Support for user-defined Localizable
file names.
* Support for stantard localization keys *.strings
* Support for grouping localization keys *.plist
and *.stringsdict
* Supports plural forms in any language *.stringsdict
* Use .l10n() to localized any string, int and double
* Use two or more languages at the same time
License: MIT
SwiftyKeyboardObserver adjusting your views when a keyboard appears, moves and disappears
* Zero lines of your code
* Supporting Storyboard configuration
* Supporting UIScrollView
and scroll to active field
* Supporting orientation changes
* Supporting modal and pop-over
* Changing the length of a bottom Auto Layout constraint
License: MIT