Otavio Cordeiro



DeckBrew Wrapper is an Objective-C client/wrapper for Deck Brew, an awesome Magic the Gathering API. It consists of an API wrapper, responsible for the network calls (DBAPIWrapper), requests classes (subclasses of the DBRequest class), and classes for cards and card sets (DBCard, DBCardEdition, and DBCardSet).

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Magic Wrapper is an Objective-C client/wrapper for [M:tgDb], the Magic the Gathering open database project. It consists of an API wrapper, responsible for the network calls (MTGAPIWrapper), requests classes (subclasses of the MTGRequest class), and classes for cards and card sets (MTGCard and MTGCardSet).

License: MIT

  • Objective C


NHCalendarActivity is an easy to use custom UIActivity (iOS 6+) that adds events and alarms to the iOS calendar.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


OCBorghettiView is an easy to use accordion view for iOS. It was named after Renato Borghetti, a Brazilian folk musician and composer who works on the traditional style from his home state of Rio Grande do Sul. Borghetti's main instrument is the diatonic button accordion (known as gaita in Brazilian Portuguese).

* Built for iPhone and iPad
* Uses ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)
* Supports device rotation
* Supports customization
* Supports UIViews as sections (UITableViews, UIWebView, MKMapView, etc...)

License: MIT

  • Objective C


OCFixture is a little helper for loading JSON fixtures in tests.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


OCMapFilterReduce implements map, filter, and reduce for NSArrays.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


UnitKit is a pretty simple framework for creating, converting, and comparing units and physical quantities in Swift.

License: MIT

  • Swift