Andrew Madsen



MIKMIDI is a library intended to simplify implementing Objective-C or Swift apps for OS X or iOS that use MIDI. It includes the ability to communicate with external MIDI devices, to read and write MIDI files, to record and play back MIDI, etc. It provides Objective-C abstractions around CoreMIDI, as well as a number of useful higher level feature not included in CoreMIDI itself.'


  • Objective C


A simple, Cocoa-like library useful for programmers writing Objective-C or Swift apps for the Mac that communicate with external devices through a serial port. ORSSerialPort makes it easy to find the serial ports available on the system, configure serial ports, and send and receive data. It also includes an optional packet parsing API, and request/response API to greatly simplify structured communication with external devices.

License: MIT

  • Objective C