Jesse Armand



This Pod is built to package the existing opus codec wrapper by Sam Leitch.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Given a timezone information from the system.

Convert the localized name into a country code conforming to ISO 3166 2-character country code.

It could be used in cases where a network request is not desirable. Then, the country of the current user could be obtained from the iOS time zone settings.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


Input accessory view with previous, next and done buttons updated to iOS 7 style.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


ZLPeoplePickerViewController is a drop-in contact picker that supports UILocalized​Indexed​Collation.


  • Supports multilingual indexing and sorting by implementing UILocalized​Indexed​Collation using LRIndexedCollationWithSearch.
  • Supports searching by name, emails and addresses. The results are displayed using UISearchController in iOS 8.
  • Supports multiple selection.
  • Supports field mask for filtering contacts.

License: MIT

  • Objective C