Frederic Jacobs

Curve25519 is a fast and secure curve used for key agreement. Unfortunately, it does not support signing out of the box. This pod translates the point curves to do ed25519 signing with curve25519 keys.
License: Custom
AxolotlKit is a Free implementation of the Axolotl protocol in Objective-C
License: Custom
Curve25519 is a state-of-the-art Diffie-Hellman function suitable for a wide variety of applications.
License: BSD 3.0
OpenSSL is an SSL/TLS and Crypto toolkit. Deprecated in Mac OS and gone in iOS, this spec gives your project non-deprecated OpenSSL support.
License: Custom
A simple library that provides an easy fragment allowing users to throw debug logs in a pastebin (currently gist) online.
License: GPL 3
A conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library.
License: Apache 2
TextSecureKit is a library for the TextSecure protocol for iOS & OS X
License: Custom