Nikita Leonov

Library implements Attribute-Oriented Programming paradigm in Objective-C. It allows to add various metadata to the class, each method, property or ivar of the class.
License: BSD
Implementation of Service Locator design pattern that allows implicitly or explicitly register services with use of protocols and retrieve them later with use of the same protocols.
License: MIT
ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is a Cocoa framework built on top of ReactiveSwift. It provides APIs for using ReactiveSwift with Apple's Cocoa frameworks.
ReactiveCocoa Singal and SignalProducer extensions for ReactiveSwift for applying operators similar to |> from RAC3.
License: MIT
ReactiveSwift is a Swift framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values over time.
License: MIT
ROAD Framework is a collection of libraries, tools and guidelines to handle common routines like web services integration, serialization and others. As result ROAD accelerates development, streamline support and maintenance, enforce best practices as well as remove technology entropy and fragmentation. Framework architecture allows to use libraries in application independently as well as all together to benefit from capabilities of each other.
License: BSD