


Everybody loves flat design. But sometimes buttons need to have borders. BDBorderedButton provides borders to iOS flat button.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Beautiful auto-layout scrollable grid view. Optimized for iOS 5.1, 6.0, 7.0 Based UITableView, this control displays UIView in grids which can be either automatically or customed layout.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


                   One-line label control that allows user to easily scroll long NSAttributedString.

Something UILabel doesn't do. * Great for fitting long text in a tight one-line space * User can scroll, well, page through long text. See demo. * No support for multiple-line text

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Simple block-based concurrent multiple-URL data downloader based only on NSURLConnection. Your app needs to download concurrently from multiple URLs (local or not). This class does it a simple way using blocks and NSURLConnection.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


                  When using UITableView or UICollectionView, asynchronous updating of your datasource and your view can be difficult without proper queuing. Sometimes upating these views can even crash your app (NSInternalInconsistencyException dreads). 

BDUIViewUpdateQueue uses GCD (dispatch_queue_t) to lock your view to a serial queue, then execute your block in the main queue. That way datasource will always sync up with the state of your UITableView or UICollectionView. Other views will also work.

License: MIT

  • Objective C