Ilter Cengiz



A UIButton subclass that places the image view of the button above the title.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Common formatters we use in almost every project. So this pod is developed to make life easier. Formatters include (at least for now):

  • Date formatter
  • Phone number formatter

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Use DebugLog instead of NSLog and don't worry again to ship your app with logging enabled. DebugLog will only log if DEBUG is defined, so you don't have to remove or comment out the logging lines in your code.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Slide through the contents or select from tabs or slide through tabs and select!


Just copy ViewPagerController.m and ViewPagerController.h files to your project. Or you can use CocoaPods (as this is the recommended way). pod 'ICViewPager'


Subclass ViewPagerController (as it's a UIViewController subclass) and implement dataSource and delegate methods in the subclass.


ViewPager supports minimum iOS 6 and uses ARC. Supports both iPhone and iPad.


Ilter Cengiz @monsieurje


ICViewPager is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for more info.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A menu can be revealed via a button added to the navigation bar. Any selection from the menu will replace the last view controller on the stack, replacing the current view controller.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Stopwatch provides simple methods to start a timer and stop it. Using the description provided when starting a timer prints out the duration when stopped.

License: MIT

  • Swift